

Ergonomics is the science of fitting the job to the worker and adapting the work environment to the needs of employees. 人体工程学的总体目标是促进健康和安全,优化生产力.

An ergonomic evaluation can identify risk factors at your job site and provide recommendations to help:

  • 减少生产错误
  • 提高效率和生产力
  • 遵守政府规例
  • 减少员工的不适
  • 降低成本
  • 提高安全/减少伤害和疾病
  • 减少浪费时间
  • 减少劳动力流动率

工效评价包括对工作场所危险因素的评价和量化, recommendation of engineering and administrative controls to reduce the identified risk conditions, 对管理人员和工人进行教育,以减少这些风险. Our occupational therapists are trained in this area and are available to come to your work place to evaluate your specific needs. 在医生和雇主的协调下, your work station can be assessed for needs related to improving your ability to carry out your work safely and with less stress or strain on your body.

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